The pursuit of happiness is a chase for a lifetime..
Nov 28, 2007
Framed Smile...

I like the way you smile in here, this one could have been better, had you given that chuckle of yours some shut, anyway…your smile does wonders to this one…
Hang on…wanna capture this too, hon. Look at you…happy you look, as if heaven’s been granted…I tell myself...
And I ask my life all the time…,”Do you mind as I capture moments I look happy in and feel nicer than never…holding the camera I go on and on…?”
Simpering she says, she likes it too…she likes it when I sit with my album which I freshen up every time with pictures, weaving memories...looking back in time I see no grins and tears, but smiles and laughter…so I shall make more, more albums…more stills, I skip sadness this way…
When I return to life sometime…
I’d like the stills…one happy snapshot to next, and then next…next…walking past glooms…I’d smile to myself…

The words are too gud as therz a request...Try nt to FRAME your smile...plzzzz!!
You've got a flair for writing mam!
Keep up the good work :)
Take care!
Ravi (a reader of your blog)
Good place you've got here with a great template..
I'll come back to read more!!
beautiful thought....its amazing.... specially the thought-no one wants to click tears but its better to potray what comes naturally even if it is a sad smile which is way better than the smile which does not reach the eye.
Skip the sadness, click the happiness :)
only silence can b the answer of this..not in right mind to say..but nevertheless no one can doubt the absolute solidarity of ur writing
nice thoughts.. :) and a good atttitude.
but life is richer for all of it, the gloom and the happiness.. for one couldnt exist without the other, creation itself is in duality.
optimism is a timeless mantra right! yup i'd hate sad pictures too. nothing like happy pics even if i was feeling rotten that day, even if i was down in the doldrums if i managed conjuring up one glorious smile its worth it. :)
Thanks for coming by my blog raashi & i am looking ahead for your future visits as well..take care:)
Last para was superb Rashi and that depicted ur spirits.....
rock on!!!
pls increase the frequency of ur posts....
i need a shoutbox on ur blog..koi rasta chod hi nahi rakha aapne..hi bye bolne ka!!1grrrr
Hey long time hows u rashi?
Very interesting..never thought about it this way.
lovely template n gr8 blog!!
Keep up the good work!
Hi! Im the author of the poem in Nanci's blog. It's true, that what means true love. Inconditional, and eternal. Unlucky i was the only one to love in a such way... sad, when we love someone so much, and he doesnt feel the same. The love i feel will be eternal, but also the hurt i felt leaving him. Better have suffered and loved, or better never have loved and suffered?
Good evening, very nice blog. I will add as friend if you agree.
Very peppy writing style, blogrolling you :-)
hey hi!! wer art thou??
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