The pursuit of happiness is a chase for a lifetime..
Jun 30, 2007
curled around you..

But we met..and talked..and felt each other; a wave ran through my spine which had frozen to ice by then...I liked leaning against his warm chest, really did..MELTED..
He kissed me on my forehead and then again..could be he liked it, could be he knew I did..he wanted me to hold him and take rest on his on earth did he know that I needed that ?? Rest in his arms..eternal !
The breeze liked it too, I know..she kept dancing in swirls around..
We sat together, legs dipped in started singing...but I was missing…elsewhere was I ??
Yes, ther...rrre I was battling fear of losing him..wanted time to stop right Hey you..pause NOW..
Simple in being yet so magnificent he was..I discovered..
And then so blissfully he completed me, he knew the skill, I say…wanted him for ‘forever’, like that…damn wishes, ah!
A concealed delicate thread ties us both together till now.
I talk about everything with him…my fear and threats, insecurities and love…
And all he says is, ‘Hold me like that, again!’..I do
..And I fall in love with him all over again as we walk like a prince and a princess on the nature’s ramp…
My heart begged a chance of loving again, and I granted…
I choose my fate..!!
Jun 25, 2007
Tera mujhse hai pehle ka naata koi ♫

I would rather opt to sit and enjoy by my self most of the times, but this someone made a connection with me..with me, ah..without my consent and not even a single eye contact. It wasn’t love, no..not at all..but I was so readily floored. And I concluded that we can be great companions, could be I saw a reflection of my own, could be that I felt he is someone I can hold intelligent conversation with..can laugh MASTER..someone I would listen to…
Happens with me often, with abstract feelings, with living being, with immovable things, with places…there is some connection, mine with them…I am unaware!
But I like the connection…
Happened ever…with you ??
Jun 17, 2007
folds of a bed sheet...

brushing against each other and smiling away to glory…love ??
Waking up early morning to surprise her with the fondest bunch of flowers,
having the morning tea together, chit chatting and planning who picks the other for the evening cup of coffee…love ??
Perhaps !
Squeezing time out of the busy office rut to buy her favorite brand season’s collection business wear,
thinking of lines to write on the card bought along…love ??
Just being around her, and not being present, shoving away ‘coz you thinking something or about someone else,
being with her without wanting to be with her…love ??
Na…aaaa !
Love for a woman is much beyond the folds of a bed sheet. Her world revolves around you and you have kept her just by your side…
Is it that men start things well and leave the maintenance part to her? Or once they’ve gotten what they want it’s just a relationship…
what do I call it...then ??
Jun 15, 2007
Promise land

Once I was deeply in love, yes ‘once’ and then I was intentionally, badly, brutally betrayed..left with a shattered belief, love fades. Prior to the woe I had my own whims and fancies of moon light dances and beach side walks, of sweet nothings and smiles in talks...but my lovely blue sky turned cobalt scary once and for all, at least I thought so..
Life decides to make you believe in things that you adamantly refuse to acknowledge. My life did the same to me..I have the memory of this story from the days when my beautiful idea of love had just slipped through the crack. And my heart was blank but blotted. There was this couple so much deeply and madly in love that in presence of each other around everything else turned blurred.
Too sweet to believe but ‘twas true…
Let me give them names for the purpose of story telling. The boy baptized Vincent, the country boy and the girl Sarra, so much to their names. He met her on a dull autumn day; she was so pretty and quiet. But that really didn’t matter to him then. He kept destroying the gladiolus plantation much to the agony of Sarra. A girl who so divinely entered his life, that he himself was clueless about the timing. With no abstraction of love or the idea for that matter he followed his heart. There was no bona fide conversation between the two but there lived something very pure and deep. He had a hint that Sarra loved flowers and didn’t like anybody destroying them. Everyday she would softly walk up to the farm and admire the growing beauty. And ever since lives the Gladiolus farm, maintained and unshaken. They say the country boy takes care of the flowers, unconditionally. It’s been years that nobody has seen the girl. But he still sees her walking past and standing still, his eyes...he would still wake up right before she comes to see the flowers…he would still feel his love growing in the petals of the flowers of the gardens of the hills. It’s named after the girl and the country boy guards it against the savage world...that is the purpose of his life, loudly announced, I heard…
It’s so dramatically etched in my mind that it has charmingly made me believe that love is deathless, AGAIN!
Jun 13, 2007
As I think of you.....

As I sit alone thinking about you
Your silent eyes and silent lips
speaking volumes about just nothing….
How lovely were those days when I took you in my arms, forgetting everything around…
I wonder how defined your existence in my life is….
A dream, a fairy tale, can't stop a smile on my face.
Now there rolls a tear down the cheek.. how much I miss you and how much I long to meet..
Never thought a wait could be so long, longer than the spaces between…..
Never will I be able to put it in words, may be words alone, so I am singing a song, with words dipped in love….
Can you hear the sound of love?
Can you see the blue sky above?
Do you miss me when I am away?
Do you want me to stay?
The breeze gave me your message and took mine too
It touched my cheek when I was thinking of you…
Last time when I first lived

again he kissed me and hugged me for a while....
He came into my life with no intimation,
and flooded my thoughts with happy fascination.
thinkin' about love in our own miraculous ways
just being together in Aprils' and Mays'.
And......... then the day came when he had to go
leaving me behind and my spirits low.
He hugged me again with a tight hold
and kept me close till no tears rolled.
I could see truth in his sparklin' eyes
a moment witnessed by the god's of the skies
We lived our lives in those few moments gone
a moment for which I would die to be reborn
....that was the last time when
I lived for the first time.....
We separated then in hope to meet again
with hope in eyes and heart filled with pain.
There was a hope to be together again
walking hand in hand in sun, breeze or rain....
never to part again.......
never to part again......