The pursuit of happiness is a chase for a lifetime..

Sep 12, 2007

Caught napping...Tagged 'Me'...!!

Funny fact is…the thing I dread the most happens to me first…NEVER wanted to be tagged, nyway, Rajeev got me trapped :(
**To give you all the idea of how it goes...
Here are the rules:
* Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of their middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had.
* When you are tagged you need to write your own blog-post containing your own middle name game facts.
* At the end of your blog-post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag.
* Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged.

I don’t have a middle name, and even after using my li’l brain hard couldn't think of one which I’d ever like to have…so going the way around, I choose a name which I’d like to keep if given the rights of baptizing myself…

SANJANA in that case…

S – Don’t really believe in idol worship, with due respect to all who b’lve in it.
Me a die hard believer in Shirdi Sai…Strength is what it means to me.

A – People say what’s in the name…I say, everything…
My life revolves around the person whose name starts with this letter...

N – This would be the first time I’d disclose my nick name…but since I am tagged I will...
My nick name is NANU…very few people call me by that name…and I like it.

J - June, my month of birth…so makes me a Gemini...
Living up to the perception of the sign; I show some traits not all…like brains turn me on, I like people who talk and make sense, etc.

…Have stated the first and the most important thing which relates to the letters above; have left the repeated ones…clever me!

And here comes the exciting chance to bother people…

I tag:

A – Ashu, Annie
N – Nisha
J – J

Keep rocking !
posted by Rashi at 1:17 PM 17 comments

Sep 4, 2007

I go the adulterated way…

10:00 pm...Relief after the hectic day at work, worth the wait was a well maintained and an almost crowd less cab.

My day wasn’t very smooth, not really ‘coz of work but the mess around. Precisely, my boss #@^%$%... and because he can’t be good, people around can’t be good too, hope u know why…

I get to catch the bad bugs first…infectious they are!!
So I carefully pick things which benefit me first and rest later…at work, home everywhere…

All this while I didn’t notice there was someone sitting in the co-driver’s seat…noticed him as he asked which block of the locality I stay in…he asked the driver to let me off first and then him, I didn’t like the idea…don’t know why…

I’m not in a habit of seeing people doing good these days…no matter how trivial. I stared at his facial expressions; they weren’t meant for me…wasn’t even looking at me. But I read there was generosity …a gentleman would let the lady off first, SAFELY…and he was doing that…but nooooo
Since I’m not good to anybody anymore, how could I see someone else be good…hits me HARD

It gave me a sense of defeat. I wanted him to act mean and selfish, which is what I am used to…so that I reach home and insult him virtually on his selfish act…this is what we do, right…?

Not really used to it…anymore…

BEATEN UP AND MOULDED by the ways of life!

posted by Rashi at 2:49 PM 9 comments