The pursuit of happiness is a chase for a lifetime..
Aug 24, 2007
Half way to heaven

I shall never crucify myself between regret of the past and fear of the future…My take…
On Myself - When I go the rightdoing or the wrongdoing way…there comes a patch of barren land…I’ll meet you there…there where I stand fearless, and I can talk to my hearts content.
On Family - My mother once asked me to leave the first morsel of my bread every time I have my meal…now what on earth makes her happy, I can’t even imagine…so I surrendered and I was talked about as a dutiful daughter in family sync ups…
On Society - I look at those nagging stray kids when they stop by my car and knock every now and often on the FULLY pulled up window…all they want is a little attention or no attention at all just a hand outta that window and alms…if I were to be the harbinger of the news of their death on those raving streets, I’d rather choose to be deaf and silent all my life. A penny on their palm for a lavish smile on those faces is all that’s needed and I’d be looked upon as the best car owner in that red light halt…and then I’m limitlessly blessed. So there I drop the alms…
On Love - A phone call wakes me up each morning…a reason memorable enough to keep me going all day, enough to keep me waiting for the next day, for the same moment, to be waken up by the same sweet voice, with the same words…
I kneel down to pray now…
I please all to please God; they say that’s the right way!
Aug 10, 2007

Me - You know it pretty much…
Life - I know…huh?
The last time, remember you said…
…ok forget it…you’re never pleased, no matter what you get out of me. And stop calling me names, ok? You’ve called me filthiest of words you could think of.
Me - Now listen, I don’t have junk time. Let’s talk business; I’ll be outright.
Why you give me all reconciled happiness, all corporate crap, every metropolitan
excuse…and you expect me to be thankful ? I don’t want the second best every time…
I have complaint; I know ‘m being demanding but that’s how I feel, befits the
explanation of my plight…do you realize?? no smirk you
Life - My smile gives you that feeling of smirk; my approval gets you throw tantrums;
my blessing is taken for granted and then you call these kinda meetings...
Me - Never mind, will sit down some other time; you have no potential to answer my questions I feel; it doesn’t seem to go anywhere…
Life - It never will…gotta change your outlook of life, hon…matters ain’t so servile…
Me - I shall take your leave now. I know what to do. Thanks for sparing time…will see you if need be…
Life (monologue) - Poor you! You never know when I give you the ultimatum…the final word.
Meet the deadlines for your dreams soon…I'll be helpless then
Time’s running !!