The pursuit of happiness is a chase for a lifetime..
Jul 20, 2008

Often we feel the essence of it when it’s nowhere around. How I wish I never lose that ability to miss and my memory never goes off battery…ah!
He tells me love has no conditions…and he tells me this, days after I told him the same. He’ll keep note of those ‘nothings’ in our conversations to tell me them later…he asks me to read the testimonial I wrote for him months ago and asks me what’s wrong with me now…how have I stopped understanding his silent approaches and sweet gestures…I wish if he knows that I am not God…
…I haven’t had enough of him ever…I’d like to fight more, argue to the end, hate him and love him and then hate him and then love him more and more…I wanna hold him tight when I get scared in the night…I wanna jump from behind and interrupt his thought process when he is working his office reports…I wanna pester him to go out watching movie when he is at his lethargic best…and then wanna go bonkers deciding what he should wear to match what I have worn…I wanna hear people saying that we look cool together as we dance on the disco floor…I wanna steal the chance to miss him, sitting in the co-drivers’ seat when he is right next to me...I wanna hear him saying that we make a great couple when he sees both of us together in the mirror…
I think of him…and I miss him...I love him, again and again…
He will call me up from work…I ask him not to waste time talking…and he says ‘ok’ to hang up, how I wish that he stays and talks more…and he knows it that I want him to stay…
When I go to see him (just like that) in office; he will tell me…I am looking beautiful…even when he knew I am in my oldest night pyjamas…
He will talk of other gals and wait for me to do some jealous talking…he likes it when I dictate him saying that he should not go over friendly with any…he can hear me half crying, I know…
He will do some excessive stray driving in the odd hours to find me a cup of coffee…and will join me for it when I know he hates coffee like anything…
He got me a huge bunch of red roses on my birthday this time…ask him what it takes to go wandering looking for flowers which his gal will like…must have felt something real luvy duvy…or flowers, no wayyyyy…
He will ask the keeper to show us the dress Kareena is wearing in that poster, and starts smiling to glory fantasizing how pretty it will suit me…
Has to find a hideout in the office to talk to me on the phone…managers staring and guards suspecting…
He will secretly order some food from outside and wait for me to get all ready to cook whatever I know…and then give me a surprise when the delivery boy knocks…love his surprises…
Wants me to reply to his so-very-rare messages instantly…no matter I was driving or sleeping or doing whatever…
He will ask me to message him as I reach back home…my poor eye sight worries him I know…and he doubts my driving skills too…
Likes to be hanging on the phone…when we’ve talked about almost everything in world…I know he will wait for my call as we hang up…as I wait for his…
I like the way he messages me just ‘Good Morning’…
I love the time stealing gestures…he will pick me up for a drive to the fuel filling station when he knows there is no other better time to meet than spending those 25-30 min…
He makes me his alarm clock; nothing can wake him up from sleep so easily…and I set a reminder in the office outlook to call him on the right time…
…He drops indications of what he likes and what he doesn’t…he’s laid that unsaid love regulation for me…and
…I will follow…
love says ‘I will…’