The pursuit of happiness is a chase for a lifetime..
Nov 28, 2007
Framed Smile...

I like the way you smile in here, this one could have been better, had you given that chuckle of yours some shut, anyway…your smile does wonders to this one…
Hang on…wanna capture this too, hon. Look at you…happy you look, as if heaven’s been granted…I tell myself...
And I ask my life all the time…,”Do you mind as I capture moments I look happy in and feel nicer than never…holding the camera I go on and on…?”
Simpering she says, she likes it too…she likes it when I sit with my album which I freshen up every time with pictures, weaving memories...looking back in time I see no grins and tears, but smiles and laughter…so I shall make more, more albums…more stills, I skip sadness this way…
When I return to life sometime…
I’d like the stills…one happy snapshot to next, and then next…next…walking past glooms…I’d smile to myself…
Nov 5, 2007
...a lot like life!

I remembered there was to be a meeting that day, important it was as professed by the boss, which meeting isn’t? Anyway…’twas a freaking Thursday; how I wish I could wear a casual tee paired with denim, alas!
I stepped out of the car and stood bang against my friend at work as I reached office, could be someone authentically waited for me to be there, could be those were my happy thoughts…inference: That was just a coincidence. She was up for some party after work, wanted me to join in...Right after work, oh hell! But socializing is important too, I heard my boss saying that one day…My outlook calendar looked busy for me that day…phew! Done with all at late in the evening, got back home…got ready and tried to look fresh and energetic. How would that be if parties could actually relax you?
…I asked my mind to shut up and drove a couple of miles…the car needed a service too, I always mind getting that delayed…I dreamt of going for long drives on serene roads, tuned to some favorite numbers, with that special person…prior to buying my car. And now I only go for short drives to office, to bank, to veg. mart…hmm. Time ties…
I feel tied to life on its own terms; I buy into all kind of its ‘Yeses’ and ‘Noes’. When my dream fails I get going for a momentary exile realizing thereafter am I quitting, backing off?…noooo. I stand up again, give some first aid to my broken heart and dreams; I assure my all time true conscience…I get going...again and again…dreams and attainment…dreams and attainment...DREams ATTainment…DREA….ATT…I echo…