The pursuit of happiness is a chase for a lifetime..

Mar 25, 2009

Don’t frisk me; I am weaponless.

Just camouflaged for a while. I am same from inside.

If I stop at you, you’re probably remarkable; if I move on you've hurt me deep...

posted by Rashi at 8:59 AM 13 comments

Mar 3, 2009

I don’t know why…

...I got a diamond studded wrist watch the other day... ‘I got a gift!’

`long before I could convince myself…I fondled with the chain, the case, the dial…stared at the name of the watchmaker…and I kept quiet…

…for all the things he couldn't do for me; for all the things he will not do for me; for all the unintended disheartening words he ever said and for the love that would just go…that was the most ridiculous apology…

…for nothing can make up for it!
posted by Rashi at 8:38 AM 14 comments